Procter & Gamble
Cincinnati, OH
B.S. -
Chemistry, Northern Kentucky University
M.S. - Materials
Science and Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Ph.D. -
Materials Science and Engineering, University of Cincinnati |
Research and
Development |

"I'm a synthetic polymer chemist and what it means is that, basically in
my job I synthesize the materials, polymetric materials, and functional
polymers and what I mean by polymers is its a series of small molecules
that have been bound together to form this chain of material that actually
improve the property compared to one molecule. So my job would be to
actually synthesize the material and synthesize the function of polymers
that can be used in different areas in the company."
"My function as a CRD employee, corporate research division employee, is
to basically bring in new ideas into the company and reduce it into
practice and pass it on to the technology divisions. And with that, I need
to always be kept up as far as with the research that is going around.
Using those types of ideas that we gain from outside and also from
literature reviews and so forth, we need to come up with new ideas."