Selecting a
university or college is an important decision which must factor in career
goals, flexibility, and financial considerations. Be sure to visit
campuses if possible, and discuss the school with students already
attending. Look to see whether people graduating from the university
are getting jobs in the field you are interested in. Network with existing professionals for advice
and recommendations. When exploring engineering, engineering technology,
medicine and other programs, be sure the program is accredited.
Can I Earn a Degree?
The Career Cornerstone Center has compiled and continually
updates the following list of accredited
degree granting organizations for many degree fields. There is also a
longer A to Z list of all fields.
These files may not be all inclusive, so be sure to explore other sources as well.
Local and national college fairs provide a good opportunity
to compare a wide range of college and university options in one
setting. They can be a bit overwhelming, so if you plan to attend a
large college fair such as those sponsored by the National
Association of College Admission Counselors that are held in large
convention centers, download a map of the event ahead of time and plan out
a route through the booths that will let you explore the schools you are
most interested in. Plan out your questions in advance. For example,
if you want to know what type of co-op program the engineering department
sponsors, be sure to ask that of each school. You'll also end up with
load of brochures and catalogs, so be selective in what you take because
you'll end up carrying it throughout the day. Consider pre-printing
mailing labels with your name, address, and the year you'll begin college
and providing these to the university reps so they can mail you appropriate
Online Resources
University/College Career Centers
Many colleges and universities have good
online career centers that can help you not only explore the resources of
the school, but also find out about school-based support for career
research and job hunting. Click here to
sample some online university career center sites.