Chemical Technician
Bayer Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Chemical Technician |

"I'm with the automotive
business unit. I'm an associate technician. I run a variety of tests and I
also do a lot of formulation. My supervisor is also head of the tech
service program here so I'm exposed to a lot of tech service problems and
areas as well as my specific area which is the automotive business unit.
On every automobile, there is several coats starting from the primer to
the base coat which is what is the actual color of the car and there's a
clean coat applied to the top of the car to give it a nice clean and shiny
finish and there is also an added protective layer. We help develop those
systems. The testing that I do on the coatings that I work with involves
the automotive application. Here we do a variety of tests -- we test the
film for hardness, for gloss, for scratch, and mar resistance and for
chemical resistance."