Process Chemist
Rohm and Haas
Springhouse, PA
B.S. -
Chemistry, Bucknell University
M.S. -
Chemistry, Polytechnic University |
Process Chemist in
Agriculture Chemicals Process Research |

"I get to take materials and projects when they are in the discovery phase
and begin to work on scaling it up. And we really escort it right into the
production facility and what we do there is we get involved in training of
the staff and get them up to speed on the chemistry and the safety
elements and we get involved in the equipment design and really every
element of the production process we oversee it it's really very
"Chemistry is not static at all. One of the things that I really value
about the type of position I have and really enjoy is that my work
assignments do change quite often as my company continues to try to stay
at the front of its industries."