Chemical Technician
Monsanto Chemical Company
St. Louis, MO
A.A.S. -
Chemistry, St. Louis Junior College |
Chemical Technician |
"I feel it is
important to take college-level math and science courses.
Communication skills are also vital for writing reports and
making presentations." |

"I am a chemical technician
in a toxicology lab at Monsanto. My primary job function is to provide
analytical support for the studies performed there. These studies provide
data necessary for the worldwide registration of Monsanto products. Many
of the materials I analyze are agricultural chemicals. A typical day for
me consists of sample preparation and analysis of the concentration of the
test materials in various matrices. In some studies, we expose rodents to
test materials in their chow. I monitor the concentration of these
chemicals to make sure it is correct and the animals are getting the
proper dosage.
I feel that as a chemical technician, I have a very rewarding career. I
have the best of both worlds. My work includes a lot of exciting science
and discovery, and I did not have to obtain a four-year college degree. To
prepare for a career as a chemical technician, however, I feel it is
important to take college-level math and science courses. Communication
skills are also vital for writing reports and making presentations.
Many junior colleges and technical schools offer chemical technology
programs, and industry often recruits graduates as chemical technicians.
After training is completed, I feel it is important to keep up with new
technologies by enrolling in continuing education; a good source of
seminars and workshops can be found at ACS meetings."