Senior Research Associate
Eastman Chemical Company
Kingsport, TN
B.S. -
Chemistry, Wake Forest University
Ph.D. - Organic
Chemistry, Ohio State University
Study, Harvard University |
Senior Research
Associate in Organic Chemistry |
"A person working in
my area should have a profound personal interest in organic
chemistry as well as a great deal of patience and imagination." |

"My specialty is doing
organic chemistry research and development, particularly involving
naturally-occurring compounds. In my work, I attempt to find better ways
to obtain, through synthesis and isolation, commercially valuable organic
compounds which are used in nutrition, medicine, and industrial chemistry.
A typical project might involve designing and carrying out a synthesis of
an isotopically-tagged version of a reasonably complex target molecule, or
searching for a more efficient method of isolating and purifying a
naturally-occurring compound, or developing a new and improved route to
some compound known to be of commercial value. Other possible projects
involve such tasks as isolating and identifying minor impurities in
A typical day is spent largely running and working up chemical reactions,
determining product structure, and designing further reactions to try. A
significant part of my time is also spent studying literature, doing
library research, and having technical discussions with colleagues. I also
plan work for technicians and occasionally spend a few days engaged in
report writing, preparing publications or patent applications, refereeing
manuscripts and grant proposals sent to me by journal editors and funding
agencies. I work alone about 70 percent of the time and in teams the rest
of the time. My work varies from requiring almost no interaction with
others, to being intensely cooperative with others. I work in an
outstandingly nice, clean, well-maintained set of labs with excellent
equipment and instrumentation. Another Ph.D. scientist and two technicians
share the lab with me.
A person working in my area should have a profound personal interest in
organic chemistry as well as a great deal of patience and imagination. The
failure rate in research projects is so high that the work would be very
disheartening to someone who did not take it as a personal challenge, and
an area of personal interest."