Chemical Education Teacher
South Lakes High School
Reston, VA
B.S. -
Chemistry/Mathematics, Hope College
MAT - Chemistry,
Stanford University |
Chemical Education
Teacher |
"An interest in
science is not necessarily going to make you a good teacher if
you don't have a great desire to be able to share that with
someone else." |

"My major turned out to be
chemistry. I always knew I think that I wanted to be a teacher and when I
what I wanted to do and then realized I could combine what I went to
college that's what I had plans to do. And actually started out in an
elementary education program thinking that's what I wanted to do. And then
I realized that I could combine what I thought I wanted to do with
education with my love of chemistry if I decided to be a chemistry
teacher. And so my freshman year I signed up for education classes and
chemistry courses."
"I think to be a good
teacher, there are three things that you have to have one is a really good
knowledge of the subject area that you're working in. Second, is a real
desire to share that knowledge with somebody else? And then the third is
the ability to be able to share it; so an interest in science is not
necessarily going to make you a good teacher if you don't have a great
desire to be able to share that with someone else."
"I like teaching chemistry
because it's not hard to get students engaged in what's happening because
the labs provide that. When they see things that they didn't expect to
have happen, then they want to know why and they are eager to find out and
it makes my teaching job very easy because all I have to do is help lead
them in the direction that they want to go."