Finish Chemist
Carpet Technology
Solutia Inc.
Gonzalez, FL
B.S. -
Chemistry, University of West Florida |
Finish Chemist in
Applied Analytical Chemistry / Colloid and Emulsion Chemistry |

"Something that is common
to all fibers production is that the fibers are small, they stretch, they
break, they build up static. And to overcome these different obstacles,
you have to put lubrication or lubricants materials on to their fibers'
surface; these lubricants can be put on in variety of ways. In the United
States, the primary method is emulsion."
"Once we develop an idea,
and have an idea of the types of chemicals we want to use, we'll go into
the lab and formulate these materials into an emulsion. There are several
qualities about the emulsion that are needed. One, it has to be stable.
It's one thing to make the emulsion in the lab, and you know, have it sit
there and stays together, but its another thing to think about what goes
on in the plant with that emulsion and being in large vessels going
through different temperatures, and pumps and all sorts of things that
really rigorously, shake up what's in there."