Cryptography, and Information Protection -
Communications and
Wireless Networks -
Compilers and Operating
Systems -
Computational Science
and Engineering -
Computer Networks, Mobile Computing, and Distributed Systems -
Computer Systems: Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability -
Computer Vision and Robotics -
Embedded Systems -
Circuits, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, Testing, and Computer
Aided Design (CAD) -
Signal, Image, and
Speech Processing
Cryptography, and Information Protection
engineers in this area are developing novel methods for protecting
digital images, music, and other information from errors in transmission
or storage, copyright infringement and other forms of tampering. Coding
theory is used to detect and correct errors caused by distortions in the
transmission or storage of digital information, or to compress
information. In particular, wireless communications, multi-antenna
systems, optical transmission, and other realistic communication systems
pose important open challenges for the reliable transmission and
protection of information. Digital watermarking is the process of
embedding codes, usually secret, in the images/information to be stored
to deter hackers from downloading information obtained illegally, and to
efficiently manage large image databases.
and Wireless Networks
specialty area focuses on a broad range of topics that will advance
the frontiers of communications systems and networks (with particular
attention to wireless), modulation and error-control coding, and
information theory. Computer engineers working in this area may explore
wireless communication opportunities to take advantage of new frequency
bands and increase the efficiency of current bands. Other areas of
focus are design techniques for high-speed networks, interference
suppression and modulation, design and analysis of fault-tolerant
systems, and storage and transmission schemes.
and Operating Systems
Those focusing on the
specialty area of compilers and operating systems design future computer
operating systems, libraries, and applications to be automatically
customized for each deployment environment. They might develop new
operating system architectures, transparent program analysis techniques,
post-link-time code transformation algorithms, and novel quality
assurance techniques.
Science and Engineering
In this area, computational methods are applied to formulate and solve
complex mathematical problems in engineering and in the physical and the
social sciences. Computer simulation methods are developed for all kinds
of systems, and effective display techniques are employed to communicate
the computational results to the user. Examples include aircraft design,
the plasma processing of nanometer features on semiconductor wafers,
VLSI circuit design, radar detection systems, ion transport through
biological channels, and much more.
Networks, Mobile Computing, and Distributed Systems
working in this area would
build integrated environments for computing, communications, and
information access over heterogeneous underlying technologies. Specific
projects might include shared-channel wireless networks, adaptive
resource management in dynamic distributed systems including mobile
systems, improving the quality of service in mobile and ATM
environments, a platform for adaptive computing and seamless memory over
heterogeneous wireless networks, and reliable and efficient
communication on a fast Ethernet cluster.
Systems: Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability
The Computer
Systems area encompasses a broad spectrum of research projects that
address all aspects of reliable, testable, secure, high-performance
computer systems. Specific projects might include designing a
super-pipelined single-chip coprocessor for executing multi-threaded
digital signal processing applications; investigating how to build
highly-available and secure computer hardware, software, network, and
telecommunication systems; and developing new theory, algorithms, and
tools to predict the availability of computer hardware, software,
network, and telecommunication systems.
Vision and Robotics
this area computer engineers focus on (a) visual sensing, in which
images of a scene are taken as input and estimates of the
three-dimensional characteristics of the scene are output, (b)
representation, which addresses efficient visual depiction and
communication of the environment, and (c) manipulation of the
environment, in which the acquired three-dimensional information is used
to perform tasks such as navigation and assembly. Applications offer the
promise of improved human modeling, image communication, and
human-computer interfaces, as well as devices such as special-purpose
cameras with versatile vision sensors.
Computer engineers working in this area
focus on enhancing the speed, reliability, and performance of systems,
by means of computer technology -- for example, consumer products, and
business and industrial machines. Most functions of the modern
automobile are controlled by embedded microprocessors. Embedded systems
are currently being developed that coordinate systems such as automated
vehicles and equipment to conduct search and rescue, automated
transportation systems, and human-robot coordination to repair equipment
in space.
Circuits, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)Design, Testing, and Computer
Aided Design (CAD)
Computer engineers
working in this area focus on enhancing the speed, reliability, and
energy efficiency of next-generation Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)
circuits and microsystems, as well as automating the design process.
Projects might include low-power VLSI algorithms and architectures,
noise-tolerance for VLSI and DSP (digital signal processors),
mixed-signal analog IC (integrated circuit) design, MEMS (Micro Electro
Mechanical Systems) for integrated passive RF (radio frequency)
components, electrothermal simulation and electrostatic discharge protection
for silicon-on-insulator CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor)
circuits, and a theoretical exploration of the fundamental bounds of
efficiency and reliability of VLSI computation.
Image, and Speech Processing
engineers working in this area might focus on developing improvements in
human-computer interaction, speech recognition and synthesis, medical
and scientific imaging, or communications systems. Computer vision tasks
such as facial feature recognition, when combined with multimedia
databases and novel schemes for representation and compression, are
examples of work in this area. Work in speech and language engineering
would seek to understand human language faculties and to develop
computer systems with comparable faculties. Dynamic MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), fast computed tomography, electron
microscopy, laser imaging of ocean
mines, and passive radar imaging of aircraft using radio and television
signals are among the imaging systems currently being developed. Signal
processing projects might focus on developing new advances in hearing
aid technology.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the
University of Illinois at