Algorithms and Theory -
Artificial Intelligence -
Parallel Computing and Systems -
Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology -
Database and Information Systems -
Graphics, Visualization and
Human-Computer Interface - Systems
and Networking -
Programming Languages, Formal Systems, and Software Engineering -
Scientific Computing
and Theory
Research in this
area focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms and data
structures for problems arising in several areas of computer science,
including automatic software verification, computational geometry, data
mining, and machine learning.
This specialty area focuses
on a broad range of topics that include knowledge representation,
learning, vision, reasoning, robotics, information systems, and
planning. Application areas include molecular biology, manufacturing,
control theory, and scheduling.
Parallel Computing and Systems
Those focusing on the
specialty area of architecture develop hardware designs, programming
languages, and their compilers for next-generation computers and
computing components. The specialty area of parallel computing
area focuses on projects of varying size and investigates the software
aspects of computation on computers composed of multiple processors.
and Computational Biology
Research in this area includes developing efficient and scalable
algorithms for biomolecular simulation and applying data mining,
statistical machine learning, natural language processing, and
information retrieval to analyze and mine all kinds of biological data,
including DNA sequences, protein sequences and structures, microarray
data, and biology literature, for the purpose of facilitating biology
and Information Systems
Individuals working in
this area would conduct fundamental and cutting-edge research in
databases, data mining, web mining, information retrieval, and natural
language processing. Current areas of focus might include data
integration, exploring and integrating the "Deep Web;" schema matching;
security; mining data streams and sequential and semi-structured data;
operating systems support for storage systems; text retrieval and
mining; bio-informatics; database support for high performance
computing; and top-k query processing.
Visualization and the Human Computer Interface
Graphics and
visualization research includes modeling and animation of natural
phenomena, computational topology, graphics hardware utilization, image
based rendering, implicit surfaces, mesh processing and simplification,
procedural modeling and texturing, shape modeling, surface
parameterization, and visibility processing. Human-Computer Interface
research involves user interface tools that better support early design
tasks, systems and environments that help users maintain information
awareness, tools for multimedia authoring and design, interfaces that
foster social interaction, and, more generally, human-computer
and Networking
Networking and distributed
systems group research includes a broad range of topics that include
mobile systems, wireless protocols, ad-hoc networks, Quality of Service
management, multimedia networking, peer-to-peer networking, routing,
network simulations, active queue management, and sensor networks.
Operating system research focuses on distributed resource management,
management of ubiquitous computing environments, reflective middleware,
middleware "meta-operating systems," object-oriented operating system
design, user interfaces that allow single users to interact with
multi-computers, peer-to-peer operating system services, and
context-sensitive distributed file systems, power management for data
centers, file/storage systems, autonomic computing, system support for
software robustness, and system support for databases.
Security research includes dynamic security architectures; security for
active networks; privacy, authentication, authorization, access control,
and trust in ubiquitous computing environments that have mobile users;
authentication in sensor networks; specification and validation of
security access control policies; simulation of network security
problems and solutions including denial of service; and next generation
phone security.
Real-time and embedded systems research areas include open real-time
systems QoS driven real-time scheduling and communication protocols,
integrated design of controllers and real-time schedulers, the
integration between real-time, fault tolerant and security protocols,
and robust dynamic real-time architecture for networked devices and
smart spaces.
Languages, Formal Systems,
and Software Engineering
Those working in this specialty area study the
design and implementation of computer languages, with the goal of
improving both programmer productivity and program quality. The topics
of study range from abstract theories of computer languages to practical
questions about the use and implementation of high-level languages.
Individuals working in
the specialty area of scientific computing conduct research on the
development and analysis of numerical techniques for approximating
mathematical models of physical systems and on algorithms for solving
the resulting equations on high performance computer systems. Specific
scientific and engineering applications considered include biological
molecular dynamics, materials science, semiconductor simulation,
astrophysics, and the design of solid propellant rockets.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the
University of Illinois at