
Students at the graduate level may occasionally undertake specialized,
short courses of study. Most of these study programs result in the award
of a certificate, frequently called a Certificate of Advanced Study (C.A.S.).
The C.A.S. is not considered a degree but it does constitute completion
of a structured program of study at the graduate level. Graduate level
certificates are awarded in both academic and professional specialties,
especially in the fields of education, visual and performing arts,
languages and linguistics, religious vocations, the social sciences, and
the health professions.
In the field of education there is one recognized degree that is
intermediate between the master's and the research doctorate. The degree
of Education Specialist (Ed.Sp.) is awarded for professionally oriented
studies, usually culminating in an independent applied research project,
that prepare the student to assume leadership and management roles in
the primary and secondary education career streams.
Note: Some resources
in this section are provided by the U.S.
of Education.