Electrical Engineering Student
Drexel University Concentration:
Digital Signal Processing
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
with a concentration in Digital Signal Processing at Drexel
University. |
"It is not necessary
to have everything figured out before you start college, particularly if
you will be an engineering student. Deciding what field of engineering
or what job you want are decisions that can be made later on. One thing
I have found out is that you cannot go wrong with a degree in
engineering." |

When did you know you wanted to become an Engineer?
I began my studies in physics. I enjoyed the
classes I was taking at the time and I started working in a physics lab
at a university where a lot of interesting research was taking place. It
was there I realized that, although I was fascinated by the field and by
the research, my education (primarily in graduate school) would be
mostly theoretical and extremely specialized. I made the switch to
engineering because the topics covered are much more diverse and the
options I would have upon graduation would be greater. Becoming an
electrical engineering student was the right choice for me. I am still
able to satisfy my curiosity of the physical world around me, especially
in regards to electricity and magnetism that interested me the most in
my physics classes, but I am also able to work on a variety of
interesting projects from design to completion.
What is your college experience like in terms of the amount of time you
find you need to study each day?
The amount of time I need each day to study varies and each student has
a way that works best for him or her. For me, it is most helpful if I
devote approximately 3 to 4 hours each day in order to keep up with the
class material. During exam time, I spend a little more. Doing well in a
class means more than scoring high on exams. Sometimes, simply cramming
toward the end of the term can do this. However, I find that it is much
more fulfilling to have the best grasp on the material as I can and I do
this by preparing what will be covered in each class ahead of time and
then spending time after class reviewing what was discussed. This can
get a bit overwhelming when taking the typical 5 to 6 classes per term.
But it is definitely a better way of retaining the information and being
able to recall it long after the class is over.
Are you incorporating any work experiences while you are a student?
(include both internships/co-ops and any other jobs you may be holding
while in school)
Since I have been in school, I have had several
jobs and co-ops. These include working in labs doing research and doing
co-ops in industry. I have worked in some type of lab doing research
since the beginning of my school career and I am currently doing a co-op
at an architectural engineering firm in their electrical department.
How did you prepare for your college experience?
I did not begin college immediately following high school. When I did
decide to go, I started at a local community college that had a great
transfer program with several universities in my area. It was there that
I began my studies in physics. Before I transferred, I decided I wanted
to study engineering so I transferred a school in the area that is known
for having an excellent engineering program.
Did/do you have a mentor that has helped guide you thus far? (If so,
describe the impact of this person on your education and career plans)
I have not had a mentor, but I have developed
relationships with several professors and graduate students that have
greatly benefited me. It is helpful to have someone to talk to regarding
recommended classes, research opportunities, field of study and personal
challenges as a student. For me, I do not have one person that has
guided me in all areas, but several that I have received direction from
in specific areas.
Is there a specialty area you have focused on in engineering? If so,
what is it, and how did you decide on this specialty? Also, at what
point in your college experience did you decide?
I am studying electrical
engineering with a concentration in radio frequency electronics and
digital signal processing. I decided on these specialties during my
third year (out of five) due to the fact that I found these classes the
most interesting and careers in these fields seem like a good fit for
Is it hard to balance your engineering studies with other college
activities (entertainment, travel, having fun)?
Sometimes it is difficult to find balance as an
engineering student. I think it is usually most difficult in the first
two years of school since the classes are focused on a wide range of
fundamentals. The college experience is also new and there is a lot to
learn about yourself as a student and what works best for you. For me, I
had catching up to do since I did not take the preparatory classes in
high school and did not plan on studying engineering. The first two
years were difficult and I spent a lot of time studying and making
sacrifices like spending less time with friends and not being involved
in extra-curricular school activities. It was worth it to me, though,
and I was so excited about everything new I was learning. Now I have a
lot more balance. I am entering my fourth year (out of five) and
although the classes are actually more difficult, I have learned ways to
study and to learn that are more effective and time efficient. I belong
to several organizations at school now and I am able to make time for
travel and having more of a social life.
Do you find yourself studying more in a team situation or alone? Do you
have a preference?
In the beginning of my
college career, I preferred studying alone. This still works well for
me. However, I have experienced many benefits from supplementing
individual study with studying in a group. Often in a group setting,
some in the group may be more/less knowledgeable about a particular
topic. I find that I really understand something if I can explain it to
someone else and that helps me put the material I am learning into my
own words. Also, it is helpful to work in a group because each person
has their own way of understanding the material and I have benefited
from these perspectives that are different from my own.
What's the hardest thing you have found about your college experience
working toward a degree in engineering?
Often I find that I can spend a lot of time
learning and trying to figure something out before I finally understand
a new subject. Sometimes those hours spent where it seems like nothing
gets accomplished can be extremely frustrating. However, I have found
that this is a necessary part of learning for me and if I do not give
up, I will eventually figure it out. Those periods of time when nothing
is working or I cannot seem to figure out the right answer are the times
I learn the most and those periods are never a waste of time.
What's the most rewarding aspect about working toward a degree in
The most rewarding aspects of being an engineering
student are the challenging and creative ways I am able to apply the
technical and theoretical topics I am learning to useful and practical
real world problems. Engineers have the ability to improve society in
many ways and I find that very rewarding.
Do you think you'll continue studying engineering, or do you think
you'll switch to another area? Why?
I will definitely continue
studying engineering. I still find the field extremely interesting and
there is no limit to what I can learn and the various ways it can be
Do you have any idea what sort of industry or work you'd like to do when
you graduate? If so, how did you find out about this industry or field?
Right now I would like to work for an
international telecommunications company doing radio frequency
Do you think you'll want to pursue additional degrees after you complete
the one you are working on? Why or why not?
Right now I am finishing the Bachelor degree and I
will be pursuing the Master degree in the Fall. I have not yet decided
if I would like to stay for my PhD.
Did you think that school will prepare you for the way the work gets
done in the real world?
School prepares someone to think like an engineer
and to have a wide variety of tools to use in order to solve a problem.
School also teaches you how to learn new things quickly and to work in a
team. These are skills I will definitely need in industry although I may
not use all of the specific information and technologies learned in the
How many engineering schools did you apply to? How many accepted you?
I only applied to one and I was accepted.
Did you have a "first choice?" Were you accepted into your "first
I only applied to one and I was accepted.
How did you decide which college/university to go to?
The school I chose had a reputation for being an excellent engineering
school and is involved in a lot of interesting research.
What should high school students be doing to prepare themselves to take
on the work that engineering students do?
I would suggest taking any college preparatory
calculus, physics and chemistry classes offered at the high school (most
importantly any math classes that are available). These classes will
give a student a huge advantage in the first year of engineering studies
at a university. Also, a lot of universities offer summer programs for
high school students where they can take classes, participate in
laboratory assignments and talk with college students and professors in
various fields.
What other advice do you have for high school students?
It is not necessary
to have everything figured out before you start college, particularly if
you will be an engineering student. Deciding what field of engineering
or what job you want are decisions that can be made later on. One thing
I have found out is that you cannot go wrong with a degree in
engineering. An engineering education is extremely diverse, creative and
rewarding and prepares you for many other fields if you change your mind
altogether. However, should you remain in engineering, there are an
unlimited amount of careers to choose from ranging from more technical
positions to project management. And right now, engineers are in such
high demand that there are many options waiting for you when you