Commodities, and other Investments
The securities, commodities, and other investments industry comprises a
diverse group of companies and organizations that manage the issuance,
purchase, and sale of financial instruments. These instruments—often
called securities—are contracts which give their owner the right to an
asset or the right to buy or sell an asset in the future. Companies sell
these financial instruments to raise money from investors to finance new
business operations or to improve or expand existing ones. Investors
purchase these instruments with the goal of earning money by earning
dividends, interest, executing the agreement, or selling the security at
a higher price.
Another type of
security is called a derivative. There are two basic types of
derivatives: options and futures. An investor who holds an option has a
contractual right to purchase or sell an asset at a set price on a
specified date, but is not required to do so. A futures contract is an
agreement to purchase or sell an asset at a set price and date with no
option to decline. For example, commodities such as corn, wheat, and
pork bellies are often bought and sold in this way and are among the
best-known derivatives. Other goods sold on the derivatives market
include foreign currencies, precious metals, oil and natural gas, and
electricity. Buyers purchase derivatives with the hope that the price of
the asset involved will be higher than the agreed price when the
contract matures.
funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) are also common investments. In
both cases, the issuing firm owns a large portfolio of other securities
which, on average, are expected to increase in value. In the case of
mutual funds, this portfolio is typically managed by a team of financial
analysts who determine which stocks to buy and sell; however, some
mutual funds are not actively managed and are instead designed to track
a benchmark index, such as the Standard and Poor's 500 or Dow Jones
Industrial Average. ETFs, which also are made up of baskets of stocks,
are almost always designed to replicate a stock index. ETFs can be
traded like stocks, unlike mutual funds. Because both of these types of
securities require management, the companies who issue them charge a
fee. Investors are willing to pay this fee because mutual funds and ETFs
have a lower level of risk than other securities.
Besides selling
securities, segments of the securities industry also sell advisory
services. Investment banks, for example, help companies to plan stock or
bond issues and sell them to investors. Securities and commodities
exchanges, on the other hand, provide forums for buyers and sellers to
trade securities. Private banks and investment advisories help
individual investors to determine how to invest their money.
The securities
industry is organized by the types of products and services they
produce. Investment banks help corporations to finance their operations
by underwriting—or purchasing and reselling—new stock and bond issues.
They also provide advisory services to companies who are issuing
securities or undergoing a merger or acquisition. The typical investment
bank has several departments, each of which specializes in a specific
part of the process. Corporate finance specializes in structuring stock
and bond issues. They are often involved in initial public offerings
(IPOs) of the stock of companies that are selling to the public for the
first time. Mergers and acquisitions departments help companies plan and
manage the purchase of other companies. Sales and trading departments
work together to sell underwritten securities to investors. Research and
quantitative analytics departments specialize in studying company
financial reports to help the bank and its customers make informed
decisions about stock purchases.
Securities and
commodities exchanges offer a central location where buyers and sellers
of securities meet to trade securities and commodities. All of the major
exchanges have largely been computerized, but the trading floors are
still very active. While a small number of workers at the exchanges are
actually employed by the exchanges themselves, most of the people who
work there are actually employed by other firms. These include
investment banking and brokerage firms, as well as specialist firms that
manage the sale of securities for listed companies.
firms trade securities for those who cannot directly trade on exchanges.
Investors place their buy and sell orders by telephone, online, or
through a broker. Since most brokerage firms are fairly large, many
orders are filled by other buyers and sellers who use the same
brokerage. If the stock or commodity is sold on an exchange, the firm
may send the order electronically to the company's floor broker at the
exchange. The floor broker then posts the order and executes the trade
by finding a seller or buyer who offers the best price for the client.
Alternatively, the broker can access an electronic market that lists the
prices for which dealers in that particular security are willing to buy
or sell it. If the broker finds an acceptable price, then a purchase or
sale is made. Firms can also buy and sell securities and commodities on
electronic communications networks (ECNs), which are powerful computer
systems that automatically list, match, and execute trades, eliminating
the floor broker.
Brokerage firms are
usually classified as full-service or discount. Investors who do not
have time to research investments on their own will likely rely on
full-service brokers to help them construct investment portfolios,
manage their investments, and make recommendations regarding which
investments to buy. Full-service brokers have access to a wide range of
reports and analyses developed by financial analysts who research
companies and recommend investments to people with different financial
needs. People who prefer to select their own investments often use
discount or online brokerages and pay lower fees and commission charges.
Discount firms, also known as wire houses, usually do not offer advice
about specific securities, although they often provide access to
reports. Most brokerage firms now have call centers staffed with both
licensed sales agents and customer service representatives who take
orders and answer questions at all hours of the day.
Investment advisory
firms are also included in this industry. Like full-service brokerages,
these firms provide advice to their investors on how to best manage
their investments. However, they also provide advice on other matters,
such as life insurance, estate planning and tax preparation. In
exchange, advisors act as brokers and receive fees and commissions for
investments and insurance purchases. They may also charge fees for
Portfolio management
firms, such as mutual funds, hedge funds, and private banks manage a
pool of money for investors in exchange for fees. This frees individual
investors from having to manage their own portfolios and puts their
money in the hands of experienced professionals. In a mutual fund, this
pool of money comes from investors who purchase shares of the mutual
fund. Hedge funds are similar, although their shares are only available
to certain experienced investors—called accredited investors—as they are
considered very risky. In private banks, the pool of money comes from a
wealthy individual. Portfolio management companies have teams of
financial analysts who determine which securities should be bought and
securities, commodities, and other investments industry has been
strongly affected by the financial crisis and recession that began in
December 2007. As U.S. housing prices began to decline in 2006, home
refinancing became more difficult. Simultaneously, a growing number of
adjustable rate mortgages began to reset at higher rates, which made it
difficult for homeowners to pay their new, higher monthly mortgage
payment. These two factors lead to a dramatic rise in mortgage
delinquencies and foreclosures, which resulted in mounting losses for
financial firms that invested in or owned mortgage backed securities.
Some firms suffered larger losses than others because they made riskier
mortgage loans or owned mortgages concentrated in areas of the country
with the largest housing price declines. As a result, some firms became
insolvent, and many others were forced to consolidate with other
stronger banks.
securities, commodities, and other investments industry employed 858,100
wage and salary workers in 2008. With their extensive networks of retail
sales representatives located in branch offices throughout the country,
the large nationally known brokerage companies have the greatest share
of jobs in the industry where they operate the majority of
establishments. Most, 76 percent, of the establishments in the industry
employ fewer than 5 workers. However, many of the industry's jobs are in
the headquarters of major firms. About 1 in 4 workers in the securities
industry is located in the New York metropolitan area.
working hours, including evenings and weekends, are common in the
securities industry. About 1 in 5 employees worked 50 or more hours per
week in 2008. Even when not working, professionals in the industry must
keep abreast of events that may affect the markets in which they
specialize. Opportunities for part-time work are limited—only about 8
percent worked part time, compared to 16 percent of workers in all
industries combined.
Hours vary greatly
among the different parts of the industry. Investment banks, for
instance, are known for requiring extremely long hours from their
entry-level workers. Portfolio management companies also require long
hours for their workers. In contrast, workers in many brokerages work
standard 40 hour workweeks or less. Workers in jobs that are closely
attached to the market do most of their work while the major exchanges
are open between 9:30 am and 4 pm, but this is changing as after hours
and international trading are becoming more important.
Work environment. Most
workers in the securities industry enjoy comfortable office
environments. Investment banks are known for their exceptionally long
hours and the stressful work environment. They are often under great
pressure to meet deadlines and generate new business. This is often
balanced, however, by large salaries. Some jobs require extensive
travel, especially in corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions
departments. Most investment banks strongly emphasize teamwork, and as
such they often promote socialization among staff members. Because
customer relationships are so important, investment bankers often get to
take their clients to exclusive restaurants, sporting events, and other
privileged places.
Brokerage jobs vary
greatly depending on the type of brokerage. Those working in
full-service brokerages tend to have comfortable office environments
where they meet with clients and make sales calls. They may travel for
training, conventions, or to meet with important clients.
the day, sales agents spend most of their time on the phone soliciting
business or with customers. Sales agents at brokerage and mutual fund
companies increasingly work in call centers, opening accounts for
individuals, entering trades, and providing advice over the phone on
different investment products. This is almost exclusively true in
discount brokerages. Although many simply respond to inquiries and do
not actively solicit customers, others may be required to contact
potential clients. Call centers also employ customer service
representatives, who answer questions for current clients about their
accounts and make any needed changes or transfers. All workers in call
centers must maintain a professional and courteous attitude and work
well under pressure. Many call centers operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, and employees may be required to work evenings and weekends.
Traders, whether on
the floor of an investment bank, brokerage firm, or at the exchanges,
work in very loud, frenetic, and stressful environments. They not only
take orders from clients and try to get the best price for them, but
also must constantly keep an eye on market activity and stay in touch
with other traders and brokers to know what prices are being offered.
Trading jobs are very stressful because a mistake could potentially cost
the firm or the client thousands or even millions of dollars.
Personal financial
advisors work in professional office environments. Most work between 40
and 50 hours per week, but many accommodate clients by visiting them at
their homes in the evenings or on weekends. Office and administrative
support workers usually work a 40-hour week, but overtime may sometimes
be necessary.
Portfolio management
companies, like investment banks, are often very high-stress,
high-pressure places to work. As with most parts of the securities
industry, timing is critical and opportunities can be missed quickly.
Compensation and job security are usually tied directly to performance.
securities, commodities, and other investments industry should
experience average employment growth between 2008 and 2018, but
competition for jobs in the industry will be quite keen.
Wage and salary
employment in the securities, commodities, and other investments
industry is projected to rise 12 percent from 2008 to 2018, compared to
the 11 percent increase across all industries. Employment growth will be
driven by increasing levels of investment in securities and commodities
in the global marketplace, as well as the growing need for investment
advice. However, projected growth rates are expected to be more moderate
than in the past due to the financial crisis.
Over the projection
decade, the baby boom generation will move from their peak saving years
to their first years of retirement. This may continue to boost the stock
and bond markets, as well as mutual funds and investment advisory as
retirees look for reliable investments.
Another factor
contributing to projected employment growth is the globalization of
securities and commodities markets—the extension of traditional exchange
and trading boundaries into new markets in foreign countries. Recent
developments, from the rapid growth of Asian economies to the merger of
the New York Stock Exchange and Euronext, will continue to make
Americans more eager to invest abroad and, at the same time, encourage
investors in other nations to purchase U.S. securities.
trading will grow and reduce the need for direct contact with actual
brokers, but the number of investment advisors is, nevertheless,
expected to increase as many people remain willing to pay for the
guidance that a full-service representative can offer. Employment of
personal financial advisors is also expected to increase rapidly. As the
complexity of financial planning grows, individuals will continue to
look to experts to help them manage their money.
Financial analyst
positions are also expected to grow rapidly. Globalization and the
growth of developing countries will provide a multitude of investment
opportunities, and financial analysts with knowledge of foreign
accounting standards and economies will be needed to examine these
investments. Furthermore, the growth of mutual funds, hedge funds, and
other large-scale investments will continue to create jobs in this
Advances in
telecommunications and computer technology will continue to shape the
industry as companies look for faster and more secure ways to perform
tasks. Computer software engineers and network systems and data
communications analysts will continue to have important roles in this
industry as trading and the recordkeeping that supports trading become
more automated.
growth in the securities, commodities, and other investments industry,
however, will be the substantial stock market losses of 2008. Financial
compliance is a rising concern for companies, as various scandals have
impacted the industry over the past several years, resulting in large
scale losses for many companies and individual investors—some who may
never return to investing. While the merger of NASD with NYSE Regulation
creating FINRA should provide some relief for companies, the amount of
oversight from both private regulators and the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) continues to increase. This may lead to greater
employment of financial compliance specialists, while investment
bankers, top executives, and sales representatives are not expected keep
pace with industry growth. Many office and administrative support
occupations also are expected to grow more slowly than the overall
industry because firms will continue to reduce costs and become more
efficient through automation.
Furthermore, the
financial crisis may result in more retirement savings being managed by
the retirees themselves because most companies have moved from defined
benefit plans—such as traditional pensions—to defined contribution
plans—such as 401(k) programs and Roth IRAs, plans that often do not
require professional advice.
projected employment growth in the securities industry, keen competition
is expected for most jobs, largely reflecting the recent financial
crisis in which many firms incurred massive losses, were forced to
consolidate, or in a few cases, became insolvent. Jobs in the upper
echelons of the industry, such as investment banking and fund managing,
that have extremely high earnings will particularly be difficult to
enter. Jobs in exchanges also will be difficult to obtain as the number
of applicants is expected to greatly exceed the relatively few positions
available. Positions at regional securities firms and brokerages may be
somewhat more accessible.
Prospects will be best
for graduates from 4-year degree programs from nationally recognized
universities and colleges. Companies value a background in accounting,
finance, and economics. Successful completion of a recognized internship
program may also be very helpful to beginners. Earning a Master's of
Business Administration degree or one of the professional certifications
recognized in the industry have become increasingly important assets for
both job opportunities and advancement.
Degree Fields
Associations/Other Resources
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.