Having a mentor
can help university students and professionals at all experience levels
with objective guidance that can help chart a career path. Mentors can help
you make the most of your education and help ease the transition from
school to work. And, working with a mentor during the early part of a
career is an excellent way to explore career path options within your
field. Mentors can pass along their own career experiences, help you meet
and interact with other professionals, share new approaches to the work
done in your field, and help keep you up-to-date on new techniques or
industry segments. Both students and mentors benefit from the
In selecting a mentor it is important to be sure you'll both
have the time to communicate, and that each can be honest about any
situation. Trust is key to a successful
mentoring relationship. Sometimes a common friend or cohort is a good
way to identify a mentor, and other times it may be necessary to explore
professional organizations or national or regional mentoring programs to
identify a mentor for you.
Online Resources
Many professional organizations offer mentoring programs to
help connect students or young professionals with a mentor in their
field. An example is the ASME E-Mentoring
Program. Universities often also coordinate mentoring programs. An examples can be found at Wright State
University's website and through Dartmouth College's Women in Science Project. The
following sites also offer resources on mentoring: