Professional Organizations
Professional organizations and associations provide a wide range of
resources for planning and navigating a career in Biology. These groups can
play a key role in your development and keep you abreast of what is
happening in your area of specialization. Most maintain a website and many
of the associations have special pages for high school and/or college
students with questions about careers in the field.
Associations promote the interests of their members and
provide a network of contacts that can help you find jobs and move your
career forward.
They can offer a variety of services including job referral
services, continuing education courses, insurance, travel benefits,
periodicals, and meeting and conference opportunities. Some of these
organizations have special interest in issues related to women or
underrepresented minority groups. The following is a partial list of
professional associations serving biologists:
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by JGPerpich, LLC
and the US Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics.