Electrical and electronics engineers must have a bachelor's degree. Employers also value practical experience, such as internships or participation in cooperative engineering programs, in which students earn academic credit for structured work experience.
High school students interested in studying electrical or electronics engineering benefit from taking courses in physics and math, including algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. Courses in drafting are also helpful, because electrical and electronics engineers often are required to prepare technical drawings.
In order to enter the occupation, prospective electrical and electronics engineers need a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, electrical engineering technology, or a related engineering field. Programs include classroom, laboratory, and field studies. Courses include digital systems design, differential equations, and electrical circuit theory. Programs in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, or electrical engineering technology should be accredited by ABET.
Some colleges and universities offer cooperative programs in which students gain practical experience while completing their education. Cooperative programs combine classroom study with practical work. Internships provide similar experience and are growing in number. At some universities, students can enroll in a 5-year program that leads to both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. A graduate degree allows an engineer to work as an instructor at some universities, or in research and development.
Those interested in a
career in electrical engineering should consider reviewing engineering programs that are
accredited by
ABET, Inc.
These programs have been reviewed extensively and on an ongoing basis
to maintain high quality. The are generally four year degrees, and some
offer coop opportunities for undergraduates.
in EE
Core courses taken by all EE students include such topics as circuits,
electronics, digital design, and microprocessors. Laboratory courses play
an important role in reinforcing the concepts learned in the lecture
courses. The core curriculum builds on a foundation of basic courses in
calculus, physics, chemistry, and the humanities. Additional courses draw
heavily from other disciplines such as computer science, mechanical
engineering, materials science, manufacturing, management, and finance.
Concentration courses vary with the engineering school, but generally
offer studies in such topics as communications systems, power systems, and
control and instrumentation, all with associated laboratory work. Many
engineering schools also offer concentrations in medical instrumentation
and in microwave and optical systems, for example.
Courses in mathematics and basic sciences are of course the foundation of
an electrical engineering curriculum. EE courses build on this base by
developing creativity and such engineering skills as use of modern design
theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statements and
specifications, and consideration of alternative solutions. Related
courses in computer science are essential. Additional courses draw heavily
from other disciplines such as mechanical engineering, materials science,
manufacturing, management, and finance. Advanced EE courses prepare
students for specialties such as computers, electronics, controls and
robotics, power and energy, and telecommunications.
Automatic Controls
The field of automatic control spans a wide range of technologies, from
aerospace to health care. The main goal of automatic control technology is
to automatically guide or regulate a system under both steady-state and
transient conditions, using feedback to adapt to unknown or changing
conditions. Electrical engineers design and develop automatic control
systems to guide aircraft and spacecraft. They apply control technology to
automatically adjust processes and machinery in manufacturing such diverse
products as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and integrated
circuits. For the healthcare industry, electrical engineers design
controls for medical assistance devices such as medication-injection
machines and respirators.
Digital Systems (Computer Engineering)
Digital systems permeate technology in all its forms; the world has gone
digital, with digital control, digital communications, and digital
computation. Electrical engineers / computer engineers design, develop,
and manufacture all kinds of digital products, including both hardware and
software: laptops, personal computers; mainframes; supercomputers;
workstations; virtual-reality systems; computer and module games; modems; telephone
switches; embedded microcontrollers for aircraft, cars, appliances, and
machines of all types. Digital computer-aided design (CAD) systems are now
commonplace in all branches of engineering design-machines, structures,
circuits and computer graphics are indispensable in advertising and
publishing; meanwhile engineers are continually developing improved
hardware and software for such applications.
Electromagnetics deals with the transfer of energy by radiation, such as
light waves, and radio waves, and the interaction of such radiation with
matter. Engineers apply electromagnetics in optical-fiber communications,
radio broadcasting, wireless communications, coaxial cable systems, radar,
antennas, sensors, and microwave generators and detectors, for example.
Engineering researchers are examining the potential of electromagnetics in
advanced computation and switching systems. Electromagnetics is one of the
most analytical fields of electrical engineering in that it relies heavily
on mathematics to express physical effects such as the complex
relationships among electric and magnetic intensities and flux densities
and material properties in space and time.
Electronics is a cornerstone of technology, supporting virtually all areas
of science, engineering, and medicine with products ranging from sensitive
instruments to machine controls to diagnostic equipment. Electronics deals
with the release, transport, control, collection, and energy conversion of
subatomic particles (such as electrons) having mass and charge. The field
is a fast-changing one, as new technology supplants old in rapid
succession. Electronics engineering deals with devices, equipment, and
systems whose functions depend on such particles. Electronic engineers
design, develop, and manufacture, for example -- computers; integrated
circuits; sensors and transducers; audio, video, broadcasting, and
telecommunications equipment; process control systems; navigation,
guidance, and detection systems; prosthetic devices; and pollution
monitoring instruments.
Electrical Power
The electrical power field is concerned with the generation, transmission,
and distribution of electrical energy. Electrical power engineers design
and develop equipment and systems to provide electricity in homes,
offices, stores, and factories. The equipment includes devices to regulate
the frequency and voltage of the power delivered to consumers, to correct
its power factor, and to protect the network and its customers from
lightning strikes, surges, and outages. Many power engineers design power
systems for aircraft and spacecraft; others provide computer-controlled
energy management systems that conserve energy in manufacturing
facilities; and still others design electrical motors for applications
ranging from appliances to processing plants.
Communication and Signal Processing
The field of communications encompasses transmission of information by
electromagnetic signals through wired and wireless links and networks. The
information may be voice, images (still photographs and drawings), video,
data, software, or text messages. The closely related field of signal
processing involves manipulating electromagnetic signals so that they can
be transmitted with greater accuracy, speed, reliability, and efficiency.
Communications engineers design and develop equipment and systems for a
great variety of applications, including digital telephony, cellular
telephony, broadcast TV and radio, satellite communications, optical fiber
communications, deep space communications, local-area networks, and
Internet and World Wide Web communications. Signal processing engineers
direct their attention to data compression, modulation systems, radar,
sonar, computer-aided tomography (CAT), ultrasound imaging, and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI).
in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology
curriculum in CE / CS / IT should contain a core of fundamental material
covering algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of
programming languages, and computer organization and architecture.
Advanced courses should build on the core by covering artificial
intelligence and robotics, computer networks, database and information
retrieval, human-computer communication, numerical and symbolic
computation, operating systems, software methodology and engineering, and
theory of computation. Basic courses also should include mathematics,
including calculus and probability and statistics, and laboratory science
with strong emphasis on quantitative methods to enhance students' ability
to apply the scientific method. Courses in humanities, social sciences,
arts, and other disciplines that broaden the students' background are
essential elements as well.
Computer Communications
Practitioners in this field deal with the transmission of data within and
among computers in all its aspects. The wide range of applications
includes data transmission within a single computer and in local-area
networks, wide-area networks, metropolitan-area networks, and the
Internet. They exercise a broad understanding of both the hardware and
software involved in networks. They deal with protocols, physical network
properties, queuing and network performance, and network security, among
many other topics.
Advanced Computer Systems
Practitioners in this field deal with design and performance of advanced
computer systems such as parallel processing systems and distributed
systems. They analyze applications and determine optimal architectures for
them. In designing systems, they determine which functions should be
incorporated as software and which as hardware. They draw on a knowledge
of parallel processing, system performance modeling, distributed
processing, and advanced algorithms.
Information Systems
The field of information systems is concerned with integrated computer and
database systems that serve the information needs of corporations,
universities, laboratories, merchandisers, transportation companies, and
countless other organizations. They design, develop, and maintain such
systems on the basis of their knowledge of computer organization,
programming languages, human-computer interaction, collaborative systems,
data communications, and knowledge-based systems.
Artificial Intelligence
Engineers in the artificial intelligence field deal with systems that
perform functions associated to some extent with human intelligence;
examples include recognizing speech, voice, or patterns; learning to
perform mechanical tasks such as sorting or assembling; and making
predictions on the basis of experience. They employ knowledge and skills
in logic and deduction, fuzzy logic, machine vision, natural language
processing, knowledge-based systems and programming languages.
A technical curriculum is rigorous; however, electives play an important
role. Engineers and computer professionals are called upon to make
presentations and write reports that must be understood by other technical
professionals as well as lay people. Taking classes that sharpen these
skills can be a good decision. The humanities, languages, and social
sciences instill a thought process that will broaden you as an individual
and make you more attractive to employers. Technical courses in
disciplines outside your focus could help you work more effectively with
engineers of different backgrounds.
Extracurricular Activities
look for well-rounded employees, especially those who have demonstrated
leadership. Graduate schools also look for applicants who have done more
than spend every moment in the books. Participating in extracurricular
activities is an excellent way to round yourself out and demonstrate your
ability to take an interest in the world around you. Most colleges offer a
variety of activities for their students based on ethnic, social,
cultural, educational, religious, or political interests. As a member, you
have the opportunity to sharpen your interpersonal skills, take a
leadership position (formally or informally), strengthen your writing and
speaking competencies, and learn more about those in your group.
Many colleges and universities sponsor extracurricular activities to
encourage students to become well-rounded. There are competitive and
intramural sports. If you are looking for a sport that is likely to extend
into your adult life, consider golf, tennis, skiing, or sailing. You
certainly want to hone your organizational skills by joining and becoming
a leader in an organization. One cannot underestimate the value of skills
in public speaking and running meetings. You might also seek opportunities
involving finances in developing and managing a budget for extracurricular
activities, such as a social or cultural event. Use your time in school to
see what makes people tick and how best to work with others to get the job
Don't overlook your professional society, which very likely has a student
branch at your institution. If there is none, start one with the help of a
faculty member. You can hone your leadership skills by becoming active in
a professional society. Professional society activities are a great way to
meet people with similar interests and to make contacts in the field. You
can certainly broaden your technical horizons this way. Look for
opportunities to present student research at professional conferences.
Student branches encompass many of its technical societies with local
chapters that sponsor professional events, including speakers and short
Cooperative education and internships offer you a chance to learn in a
different environment: the workplace. Employers are looking for people who
have a proven track record -- besides the classroom, actual work
experience is one of the best ways to train yourself to become a
professional engineer. Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) have
played a significant role in bringing students into the field. These have
involved academic and industrial research. Find
out more...
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by
IEEE and/or the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.