
Professional Organizations
societies provide an excellent means of keeping current and in touch
with other professionals in the field. These groups can play a key role
in your development and keep you abreast of what is happening in your
field. Associations promote the interests of their members and provide a
network of contacts that can help you find jobs and move your career
forward. They can offer a variety of services including job referral
services, continuing education courses, insurance, travel benefits,
periodicals, and meeting and conference opportunities. The following is
a partial list of professional associations serving mathematicians and
employers. A broader list of professional associations is also
available by clicking here.
Mathematical Society
American Mathematical Society was created
to further mathematical research and scholarship. Founded in 1888, it now
has member mathematicians throughout the
United States and around the world. It continues to fulfill its mission
with programs that promote mathematical research, increase the awareness
of its value to society, and foster excellence in mathematics education.
for Women in Mathematics
Association for Women in
Mathematics is a non-profit organization
founded in 1971 with a continuing goal to encourage women in the
mathematical sciences. The organization sponsors a variety of programs
and awards to encourage
girls and women in the mathematical sciences. Among these is the Noether
Lectures, which honors women who have made fundamental and sustained
contributions to the mathematical sciences.
Association of America
Mathematical Association of America is
the largest professional society of college and university mathematics
teachers in the world. Today MAA's members include college and
university faculty, two-year college faculty, high school teachers,
government and corporate workers, graduate school faculty, research
mathematicians, and graduate and undergraduate students.
Association of Mathematicians
National Association of
Mathematicians is a non-profit professional organization which has
always had as its main objectives the promotion of excellence in the
mathematical sciences and the promotion of the mathematical development
of underrepresented American minorities. It also aims to address the
issue of the serious under-representation of minorities in the workforce
of mathematical scientists.
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) began in 1951 and now exists
to ensure the strongest interactions between mathematics and other
scientific and technological communities through membership activities,
publication of journals and books, and conferences.