Professional Organizations
organizations and associations provide a wide range of resources for
planning and navigating a career in mechanical engineering. These groups
can play a key role in your development and keep you abreast of what is
happening in your industry.
Associations promote the
interests of their members and provide a network of contacts that can
help you find jobs and move your career forward. They can offer a
variety of services including job referral services, continuing
education courses, insurance, travel benefits, periodicals, and meeting
and conference opportunities. The following is a partial list of
professional associations serving mechanical engineers and employers. A
broader list of professional associations is also available by
clicking here.
Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, today's
ASME is a professional organization focused on technical,
educational and research issues of the engineering and technology
community. ASME conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing
operations, holds numerous technical conferences worldwide, and offers
hundreds of professional development courses each year. ASME sets
internationally recognized industrial and manufacturing codes and
standards that enhance public safety.