Specialty Areas
technologists may specialize in any of three following areas of
Cardiology Technologist
Cardiovascular technologists specializing in invasive procedures are
called cardiology technologists. They assist physicians with cardiac
catheterization procedures in which a small tube, or catheter, is
threaded through a patient's artery from a spot on the patient's groin
to the heart. The procedure can determine whether a blockage exists in
the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. The procedure also can
help to diagnose other problems. Part of the procedure may involve
balloon angioplasty, which can be used to treat blockages of blood
vessels or heart valves without the need for heart surgery. Cardiology
technologists assist physicians as they insert a catheter with a balloon
on the end to the point of the obstruction. Another procedure using the
catheter is electrophysiology test, which help locate the specific areas
of heart tissue that give rise to the abnormal electrical impulses that
cause arrhythmias.
Technologists prepare
patients for cardiac catheterization by first positioning them on an
examining table and then shaving, cleaning, and administering anesthesia
to the top of their leg near the groin. During the procedures, they
monitor patients' blood pressure and heart rate with EKG equipment and
notify the physician if something appears to be wrong. Technologists
also may prepare and monitor patients during open-heart surgery and
during the insertion of pacemakers and stents that open up blockages in
arteries to the heart and major blood vessels.
Cardiology Technologist
who specialize in vascular technology or echocardiography perform
noninvasive tests. Tests are called "noninvasive" if they do not
require the insertion of probes or other instruments into the patient's
body. For example, procedures such as Doppler ultrasound transmit
high-frequency sound waves into areas of the patient's body and then
processes reflected echoes of the sound waves to form an image.
Technologists view the ultrasound image on a screen and may record the
image on videotape or photograph it for interpretation and diagnosis by
a physician. As the technologist uses the instrument to perform scans
and record images, technologists check the image on the screen for
subtle differences between healthy and diseased areas, decide which
images to include in the report to the physician, and judge whether the
images are satisfactory for diagnostic purposes. They also explain the
procedure to patients, record any additional medical history the patient
relates, select appropriate equipment settings, and change the patient's
position as necessary.
Technologist / Vascular Sonographer
who assist physicians in the diagnosis of disorders affecting the
circulation are known as vascular technologists or vascular sonographers.
Vascular technologists complete patients' medical history, evaluate
pulses and assess blood flow in arteries and veins by listening to the
vascular flow sounds for abnormalities, and assure the appropriate
vascular test has been ordered. Then they perform a noninvasive
procedure using ultrasound instruments to record vascular information
such as vascular blood flow, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, cerebral
circulation, peripheral circulation, and abdominal circulation. Many of
these tests are performed during or immediately after surgery. Vascular
technologists then provide a summary of findings to the physician to aid
in patient diagnosis and management.
area of practice includes giving electrocardiograms (EKGs) and sonograms
of the heart. Cardiovascular technicians who specialize in EKGs, stress
testing, and those who perform Holter monitor procedures are known as
cardiographic or electrocardiograph (or EKG) technicians.
take EKGs, which trace electrical impulses transmitted by the heart,
attach electrodes to the patient's chest, arms, and legs, and then
manipulate switches on an EKG machine to obtain a reading. An EKG is
printed out for interpretation by the physician. This test is done
before most kinds of surgery or as part of a routine physical
EKG technicians with
advanced training perform Holter monitor and stress testing. For Holter
monitoring, technicians place electrodes on the patient's chest and
attach a portable EKG monitor to the patient's belt. Following 24 or
more hours of normal activity by the patient, the technician removes a
tape from the monitor and places it in a scanner. After checking the
quality of the recorded impulses on an electronic screen, the technician
usually prints the information from the tape for analysis by a
physician. Physicians use the output from the scanner to diagnose heart
ailments, such as heart rhythm abnormalities or problems with
For a treadmill stress
test, EKG technicians document the patient's medical history, explain
the procedure, connect the patient to an EKG monitor, and obtain a
baseline reading and resting blood pressure. Next, they monitor the
heart's performance while the patient is walking on a treadmill,
gradually increasing the treadmill's speed to observe the effect of
increased exertion. Like vascular technologists and cardiac sonographers,
cardiographic technicians who perform EKGs, Holter monitoring, and
stress tests are known as “noninvasive” technicians.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.