software engineers and computer programmers hold about 1.5 million jobs
in the United States. The largest employers of software developers were as follows:
Computer systems design and related services: 33%
Manufacturing: 11%
Software Publishers: 9%
Management of companies and enterprises: 5%
Insurance carriers and related activities: 4%
Employers of computer
software engineers range from startup companies to established industry
leaders. The proliferation of Internet, e-mail, and other communications
systems is expanding electronics to engineering firms that are
traditionally associated with unrelated disciplines. Engineering firms
specializing in building bridges and power plants, for example, hire
computer software engineers to design and develop new geographic data
systems and automated drafting systems.
firms need computer software engineers to tap into growth in the
personal communications market. Major communications companies have many
job openings for both computer software applications engineers and
computer systems engineers.
As is the case with
most occupations, advancement opportunities for computer software
engineers increase with experience. Entry-level computer software
engineers are likely to test and verify ongoing designs. As they become
more experienced, they may become involved in designing and developing
software. Eventually, they may advance to become a project manager,
manager of information systems, or chief information officer. Some
computer software engineers with several years of experience or
expertise find lucrative opportunities working as systems designers or
independent consultants or starting their own computer consulting firms.
The following is a partial
list of employers of computer software engineers:
Technology Intensive Firms
U.S. Federal Government
and State and Local Affiliates
Other Employers
- Colleges and
- K-12 Schools
- Professional
- Temporary Firms
- Consultants
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the
US Department
of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics.