Primary Materials Producing
These companies provide basic materials to other companies who manufacture
a component for a product or the end product itself. Examples are steel
companies, glass companies, polymer powder producing companies, etc.
Typically these are relatively large organizations. This sector comprises
a small number of companies that support a much larger number of
manufacturing businesses.
These companies produce a component or end product using materials from
Primary Producing companies. This sector includes a large number of
companies ranging in size from a few to thousands of employees. This
sector represents many different industries: transportation,
electrical/electronics, machinery, computers/office, biomaterials, durable
goods, and non-durable goods.
Companies in this sector provide support for others. Employers include
consulting firms, research and development organizations, construction
companies, utilities, engineering services, communications companies, and
research groups.
Educational institutions, government, legal organizations, healthcare,
business services, finance, insurance, and wholesale/retail are some of
the other employers of materials engineers.