Professional Organizations
Professional organizations and associations provide a wide range of
resources for planning and navigating a career in materials science and
These groups can play a key role in your development and
keep you abreast of what is happening in your industry. Associations
promote the interests of their members and provide a network of contacts
that can help you find jobs and move your career forward. They can offer a
variety of services including job referral services, continuing education
courses, insurance, travel benefits, periodicals, and meeting and
conference opportunities. The following are several professional societies
serving the materials science and engineering community. A broader
list of professional associations is also available by
clicking here.
ASM International
ASM International is a society whose
mission is to gather, process and disseminate technical information. ASM
fosters the understanding and application of engineered materials and
their research, design, reliable manufacture, use and economic and social
benefits. This is accomplished via a unique global information-sharing
network of interaction among members in forums and meetings, education
programs, and through publications and electronic media.
American Ceramic Society
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is a non-profit
organization that serves the informational, educational, and
professional needs of the international ceramics community. The
Society's members comprise a wide variety of individuals
and interest groups that include engineers, scientists, researchers,
manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales
professionals, and others in related materials disciplines.
Materials Research Society
The Materials Research Society (MRS) is an organization of materials
researchers from academia, industry, and government that promotes
communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials
research to improve the quality of life. The Society is different from that of single
discipline professional societies because it encourages communication
and technical information exchange across the various fields of science
affecting materials.
The Minerals,
Metals & Materials Society
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional
organization that encompasses the entire range of materials and
engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to
basic research and the advanced applications of materials. Included
among its professional and student members are
metallurgical and materials engineers, scientists, researchers,
educators, and administrators from more than 70 countries on six